Resolve reoccurring conflicts so you can feel seen, secure, and hopeful in your relationship by transforming patterns of resentment and distrust into authentic connection and communication.



Uncover the real reasons why you and your partner are distant and disconnected
Learn to resolve recurring conflict and navigate difficult conversations, so you both feel connected & happy in your relationship
Have a safe, confidential space to share your struggles openly and get personalized coaching from me

Are you tired of having the same frustrating conversations that lead to defensiveness, shutting down, or outbursts of anger?

Inside Marriage Growth Community, you’ll…

That's why divorce rates are so high and you still feel stuck (even after reading #allthebooks)

I have a success rate of 96% because my methodology teaches you how to:

Most marriage advice out there is useless...

Real Talk:

Open up and have REAL, productive conversations

knock loose disagreements you've been hung up on for years (or even decades)

rebuild vulnerability and trust with each other so you can each feel safe to be seen & heard

Join Now


What To Expect

Arguments that go round and round without ever resolving.

Shutting down because you don’t feel heard anyway.



In the next 12 months, you’ll say “goodbye forever” to…

Comparing your marriage to "those" perfect relationships


Feeling isolated and alone in your marriage problems.



 Resolution, forgiveness, and healing together

Sharing openly with your spouse because you feel safe and understood



In the next 12 months, you’ll say “HELLO” to…

Connection with other couples who just "get it"


Focusing more on your progress than your frustrations




Receive a clear roadmap of your first steps based on your current marriage struggles 

A customized roadmap telling you exactly which lessons and exercises will start
transforming your marriage today.

Gain access to personalized coaching from Julia so you can start receiving guidance TODAY

Some have said one coaching session with Julia provided more results than 3 years of couples therapy. Her coaching waitlist is typically 6+ months long, but inside MGC you’ll get access to personalized coaching TODAY.

Exclusive weekly MGC Newsletter so you always know what to work on & what special events are coming up in the community

Life is busy, but you won’t miss a single teaching, community win, or event inside MGC (even if you can’t plug into our FB group for the week…or ever!).

Communication Labs


Going Deeper

Membership perks

Community Support








I'm Julia, your new relationship bestie.

I grew up in a violent home as the middle child of seven. I lived in an environment of anger and suffering - my idea of love was “not yelling at each other.”

When I married my husband, Jeff, I figured we would have an amazing marriage because neither of us wanted to live like “that.” We wanted a better marriage…so it would just be better, right?

Wrong. As the years passed, amidst having kids and growing a business, we found ourselves disconnected and lonely (even when we were in the same room). We loved each other, but just couldn’t seem to talk through much of anything without it ending in defensiveness and upset.

But we were committed to finding our way back to each other so that we could enjoy life together. 

We learned that by working through our emotions, communicating honestly, and navigating difficult conversations (because those don’t just “go away” when you’re connected) we could truly forgive each other.
I hope to see you inside Marriage Growth Community so you can have the same success.

The resentment dissipated, the connection grew, and we both transformed individually and together.

I started coaching others with massive success and now the methodology I created helps hundreds of couples every year to heal, reconnect, and move forward with hope.

hey there!


Monthly Plan

Annual Plan

Best Value!

select the plan that works for you:

join the waitlist

join the waitlist

Registration closed

Registration closed

Working with Julia has totally changed my marriage, and my relationship with my children, and really improved my relationship with my extended family. 


It’s impossible to move towards a target you haven’t set. In this lesson, you’ll get crystal clear on what the marriage you long for looks like so you know the desired connection, communication, and conflict resolution you’re aiming for. 

LESSON ONE: Vision Foundations 

The greatest indicator of your connection with your spouse is your connection to yourself. The more aware you are of yourself, the more control you have over your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. 

In this lesson, you’ll explore your own survival patterns that contribute to your pain and conflicts.

LESSON TWO: Survival System

In the heat of the moment, it is very easy to want to take over during conflict or stressful situations. In this lesson, you’ll get clear on the person YOU want to be so you can break free of patterns that keep your marriage stuck and step into BEING the person you want to be.

Future-based vision

You can’t transform what you can’t see. In this lesson, you’ll learn to set clear boundaries (and hold them) by cleaning up your own backyard and identifying the beliefs & actions that are contributing to the marriage you don’t want.

When you join, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to….

LESSON FOUR: Your Backyard

With new lessons added every single month!


 Inside each lesson to help you and your spouse apply what you’re learning


If you prefer listening on the go, each lesson is available in video and audio versions

Audio lessons

Calls to ask questions and talk through current wins and challenges

LIVE Bi-monthly Tea Time with Julia

 You can get personalized coaching…
…AND access to our private MGC Facebook community - as well as regular drop-ins from Julia to share guidance and answer questions

monthly LIVE Communication Labs with Julia 

Monthly Plan

Annual Plan

Best Value!

select the plan that works for you:

join the waitlist

$699 annually

registration closed

registration closed

"Our arguments are improving into discussions, which have structure and were starting to see things as a team, and not as much as adversaries"


Look No Further
Marriage Growth Community was created for you!

Marriage Growth Community is a membership program where spouses create the marriages they long for through group coaching (Communication Labs), gaining new tools, connecting with other growing spouses, and being guided by Julia. All for less than the cost of a lunch date! It is the most affordable, thorough, and all-encompassing support resource that has ever been available for marriage growth!