My Journey to Life-Giving Conversations!
Let’s dive deep into transforming communication habits within your relationship. I am Julia Woods, a couples coach with over three decades of experience in my own marriage. I understand the ups and downs of fostering meaningful conversations with your partner. I want to share with the five signs that expose your need to grow your communication skills if you’re going to create a life-giving relationship.

Let’s get right into it:
- Interrupting Your Spouse: It can be so tempting to jump in and share your thoughts before your partner finishes speaking. However, true connection starts with listening. Practicing active listening by repeating back what you’ve heard your partner say can be a game-changer.
- Assuming: Assuming your partner’s intentions or thoughts will lead to unnecessary conflicts. Instead, try asking clarifying questions to better understand where they’re coming from.
- Speaking in Absolutes: “You always” and “you never” are examples of speaking in absolutes and when you use them they will escalate tensions. Instead when you focus on curiosity and a genuine desire to understand, it can lead to connection.
- Exaggerating: When we want to win the argument exaggerating what was said or done is a common way humans try to get the upper hand. But honesty and authenticity have proven far more effective in fostering trust and connection.
- Complaining vs. Making Requests: It is much easier to complain about our partner’s habits than it is to clearly express our needs. Shifting towards making requests has not only empowered me but has also strengthened our bond.
Are you ready to embark on your journey towards life-giving conversations with your partner? I invite you to watch the latest YouTube episode! Click the link to tune in now and take the first step towards building stronger, more fulfilling connections.
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