
Embracing Community and Transforming Marriage: A Journey from Workaholism to Fulfillment

April 3, 2024

A overwhelmed workaholic In this candid and moving podcast episode, I lay out my personal narrative of transitioning from an overwhelmed workaholic to someone who has found true fulfillment in life. I hope this resonates with many who have found themselves prioritizing work over their well-being and relationships. I’ll take you on a journey through […]

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I'm Julia.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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A overwhelmed workaholic

In this candid and moving podcast episode, I lay out my personal narrative of transitioning from an overwhelmed workaholic to someone who has found true fulfillment in life. I hope this resonates with many who have found themselves prioritizing work over their well-being and relationships. I’ll take you on a journey through my battle with exhaustion and my search for aliveness, revealing the significant life changes that came with the COVID-19 pandemic, the emotional rollercoaster of becoming an empty nester, and the transformative power of community.

I speak to the importance of reassessing one’s life and work balance, especially after periods of intense creation and when things aren’t going the way you want them to. My own realizations led me to seek a community, which I am finding as a vital source of healing and support. The power of sisterhood and the weekly connections I established gave me a sense of vitality and a revival of my inner spirit.

The heart of the episode delves into the emotional work I am embracing to better understand myself. I share insights gained from Chip Dodd’s book “The Voice of the Heart,” which outlines the eight primary emotions that, when embraced, can lead to living life fully.

Conversely, unaddressed feelings can become impaired, manifesting as resistance, apathy, self-pity, and depression. My vulnerability in discussing my own emotional journey serves as an invitation for listeners to embark on their paths of personal renewal.

Through my own personal heartwork, a vision for what I am calling the Marriage Growth Community is being birthed. In this episode, I share the vision behind it where I compare  the nurturing of a marriage to raising a child—it takes a collective effort to cultivate love within a relationship. This vision isn’t just a theoretical ideal; I invite my listeners to join me in creating a supportive network aimed at living fully alive and growing the marriages they long for.

My vision is clear: thriving in life, especially within the context of marriage, is not a solitary endeavor. It requires a commitment to personal growth, emotional honesty, and the support of a like-minded community.

This episode is not just an exploration of my experiences but also guides anyone looking to redefine their life and marriage. My story is a testament to the transformative effects of community and vulnerability, and my invitation to join a Marriage Growth Community is a call to action for all who wish to foster deeper connections and lead a more fulfilled life.

In a world where isolation and workaholism are all too common, my message is a refreshing reminder of the power of human connection. Whether you are struggling in your marriage, feeling disconnected from yourself, or simply seeking a more balanced life, this podcast episode offers hope and a roadmap to transformation.

I would love for you to join me on my latest podcast episode as I share more in-depth information on this! LISTEN NOW:

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I'm Julia, your new relationship bestie.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Helping couples communicate and grow from good relationships to great ones.


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