
5 Critical Signs Your Marriage Might Be in Trouble and How to Fix Them

August 13, 2024

Are you worried that your marriage is in trouble and that divorce might be inevitable? Have you noticed the love and passion you once shared with your spouse fading away? Are frequent fights making you anxious about the future of your relationship? If these concerns sound familiar, I want to share with you what I […]

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I'm Julia.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Are you worried that your marriage is in trouble and that divorce might be inevitable? Have you noticed the love and passion you once shared with your spouse fading away? Are frequent fights making you anxious about the future of your relationship? If these concerns sound familiar, I want to share with you what I shared in my latest YouTube episode, where I talk about the five crucial signs that indicate your marriage is in or heading for trouble and what you can do to address them.

In this episode, I delve into the following key points:

1. Unresolved Conflicts: If you find yourself ruminating over arguments, avoiding your spouse after conflicts, or shoving issues under the rug instead of resolving them, it’s a major red flag. Unresolved conflicts can create a rift in your relationship, leading to a failing marriage.

2. Addictions: Whether it’s work, alcohol, gambling, or any other form of addiction, using these to numb the pain instead of facing marital problems head-on leads to trouble. Addressing these addictions quickly is crucial to prevent them from growing into bigger issues.

 3. Blaming Your Spouse: Seeing your spouse as the problem and believing that the marriage won’t improve unless they change is a dangerous mindset. This blame game can become a major obstacle in your relationship, leading to a breakdown.

4. Frequent Arguments Over Little Things: When even minor issues turn into arguments, it indicates a buildup of bitterness and resentment. This creates an eggshell relationship, where both partners are more focused on self-protection than on connection.

5. Stonewalling: The act of shutting down and refusing to communicate during conflicts is one of the most damaging behaviors in a marriage. John Gottman’s research highlights stonewalling as one of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” signaling a relationship on the brink of collapse.

Throughout the episode, I provide practical advice on how to recognize and address these signs to prevent further deterioration of your marriage. My husband and I faced all of these challenges, but by taking responsibility and addressing them, we transformed our marriage into one we never thought possible. You can do the same.

For those needing further guidance, I offer a free e-book, “Turn Defensiveness into Connection”, which you can find in the description below the video. This resource provides step-by-step instructions to tackle the tough challenges in your marriage and start the journey towards a healthier relationship.

To watch this episode and get further guidance, click here to watch the full YouTube episode.

Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to helping you create the marriage you deserve.


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I'm Julia, your new relationship bestie.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Helping couples communicate and grow from good relationships to great ones.


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