
Can One Spouse Save a Marriage? Discover the Power of Taking the First Step

August 20, 2024

Marriage is often thought of as a partnership, with both spouses contributing equally to its success. But what happens when only one partner is willing to do the work? Is it possible to save a marriage when you feel like you’re the only one fighting for it? The answer is yes, and in my latest […]

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I'm Julia.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Marriage is often thought of as a partnership, with both spouses contributing equally to its success. But what happens when only one partner is willing to do the work? Is it possible to save a marriage when you feel like you’re the only one fighting for it? The answer is yes, and in my latest YouTube episode, I dive into how you can start healing your marriage—even if your spouse isn’t on board yet.

In this episode, I dispel the common myth that spouses need to be equally involved for any progress. While it’s true that a thriving marriage ultimately requires both partners to be engaged, the journey can begin with just one. I share personal stories and real-life examples of how taking responsibility for your part, even if it’s only 5%, can lead to significant changes.

One key concept I explore is the idea of changing your “dance steps.” In every relationship, we create patterns—well-rehearsed routines that shape how we interact with our spouse. When one person begins to change their steps, the entire dance shifts. This shift can inspire your partner to join you on the journey toward healing.

I also talk about the importance of support. If you find yourself doing the work alone, it’s crucial to surround yourself with a supportive community. That’s why I invite you to join my Marriage Growth Community, where you can find the tools, coaching, and encouragement you need to keep moving forward.

This episode is for you if you’re struggling with issues like respect, communication, or feeling disconnected in your marriage. I offer practical advice and actionable steps to help you take that first step towards change. And remember, you’re not alone in this journey—support is available, and your efforts can make a difference.

Ready to start the transformation? Watch the episode now and take the first step toward healing your marriage. After watching, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment on the video and share your experience or any questions you have. Your journey could inspire others to take their first step too.

Watch the episode here

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I'm Julia, your new relationship bestie.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Helping couples communicate and grow from good relationships to great ones.


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