My superpower is helping couples learn to see & understand each other even in difficult conversations .... so they can spend their precious time laughing & enjoying life together.
Ready to turn Defensiveness into Connection?
Unlocking the Key to a Life-giving Marriage: The Art of Negotiation
Do you remember the electrifying feeling of attraction when you first met your spouse? The spark, the butterflies, the surge of energy—it’s an unforgettable sensation. That initial attraction led you down the aisle, but once the honeymoon phase fades, how do you sustain that spark amidst life’s challenges, the chaos of parenting, the march of […]
Do you ever find yourself yearning for more compliments from your spouse? Does it sometimes feel like a cloud of frustration and then bitterness hovers when those words of affirmation are scarce? Well, you’re not alone. In our latest podcast episode, my husband Jeff and I dive deep into the world of compliments in marriage. […]
Do you know the importance of a bedtime routine in a marriage? Marriage is a journey that spans years, filled with countless shared moments, experiences, and memories. Yet, one often overlooked aspect of a successful marriage is the bedtime routine. It may seem trivial, but if you’re married for 50 years, you’ll have approximately 17,800 […]
If I had the key to experiencing your own marriage miracle, would you want it? Are you skeptical about the possibility of marriage miracles in today’s world of increasing divorce rates? I’m here to tell you that they absolutely happen! Four couples who I have had the pleasure of working with this summer, went from […]
Have you ever found yourself in a heated argument with your spouse or loved one, both passionately exclaiming, “I’m right!”? If you have, you’re not alone. However, did you know that your need to be right damages your relationships, and creates loneliness with the people you love, especially your spouse? There is a hidden cost to […]
Mental health in marriage is a topic that affects many of us but is often kept in the shadows. It’s a crucial issue that can’t be ignored, as research shows that 1 out of every 2 people will be diagnosed with a mental health illness in their lifetime. Today’s post shares me and my husband’s […]
Do you think it’s possible to go from separated and divorcing to a new marriage in weeks? Do you feel that your marriage is on the brink of divorce? You’re not alone. While Justin and Angie were on a vacation in Jamaica, Angie decided her marriage to Justin was over. During their separation, Angie came […]
Are you tired of countless therapy sessions where little progress seems to occur? If you could get away for a weekend and make leaps and strides in your marriage relationship would you do that? If you had to choose between a vacation with your spouse OR attending a marriage workshop, which would you choose? Be […]