Marriage Growth

Wedding Planning 101: Preparing for a marriage that is free of the top 5 biggest mistakes

November 15, 2023

There are 5 common mistakes newlyweds make at the beginning of their marriage that can lead to tension and disconnection. Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for a while, understanding these pitfalls is crucial so you can learn how to navigate these challenges and cultivate a flourishing and connected marriage. Preparing for a […]

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I'm Julia.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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There are 5 common mistakes newlyweds make at the beginning of their marriage that can lead to tension and disconnection. Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for a while, understanding these pitfalls is crucial so you can learn how to navigate these challenges and cultivate a flourishing and connected marriage. Preparing for a marriage that is free of the top 5 biggest mistakes is vital!

Preparing for a Marriage that is Free of the Top 5 Biggest Mistakes:

Mistake #1: Not negotiating how they will run their life 

The first crucial mistake to avoid is the failure to negotiate how you and your partner will run your lives. Setting the foundations for household responsibilities, financial decisions, and daily routines is paramount. 

Mistake #2:  Not developing open & honest communication, especially when you disagree

Another significant pitfall is the gradual erosion of open and honest communication, especially when disagreements arise. Cultivating this skill is crucial for a thriving marriage. As life’s challenges intensify it’s so important to level up our communication game.

Mistake #3:  Letting family & friends come between you

There are many potential pitfalls of letting family and friends come between you and your partner. Setting boundaries, making joint decisions, and preserving the sanctity of your union amidst outside influences will foster the connection between you and your spouse.

Mistake #4: Stopping the fun and play

Many couples fall into the trap of letting the fun and playfulness of dating fade away after marriage. Prioritizing a weekly playtime can infuse joy back into your relationship, creating lasting memories and strengthening your connection.

Mistake #5:  Thinking you are supposed to agree on everything

There is a big misconception of thinking you should agree on everything. Understanding the beauty of differences and learning to honor each other’s perspectives, while finding win-win possibilities will strengthen your marriage. 

Watch Now

If you want to hear me share more on these 5 mistakes in-depth, I encourage you to head over to my YouTube channel and watch the episode of the top 5 common marriage mistakes

Call to Action: Join My Conversation

After watching the episode, I invite you to share your thoughts in the YouTube comments. Which mistake resonates with you the most? What strategies do you find most helpful? Our collective insights could inspire others on their journey to a thriving marriage.


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I'm Julia, your new relationship bestie.

I am passionate about helping couples communicate their way to a great relationship. Because when they can communicate in a way where both partners feel seen and heard they can literally overcome any challenge in life together.

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Helping couples communicate and grow from good relationships to great ones.


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