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My superpower is helping couples learn to see & understand each other even in difficult conversations .... so they can spend their precious time laughing & enjoying life together.  


This is where I share tools for your marriage and ways to apply them so that you can have the fun, connected, & supportive marriage you long for.

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Ready to turn Defensiveness into Connection?

Defensiveness can show up in many different ways ... blaming, criticizing, blowing up (etc.)! That is why I created this E-Book to help you turn defensiveness into connection in your relationship!

free for you!

Are you at the place where you have said to yourself, “I can’t do this anymore”? You are not alone.  Laura felt the same way in her and Tom’s marriage when everything came to a head at year 7.  In one pivotal moment through tears, Laura declared, “I can’t do this anymore.”  She wasn’t saying […]

When You Want to Give Up on Your Marriage | Interview with Tom & Laura


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There’s nothing worse than being in a marriage that is NOT working and having no idea how to shift things. Today, I want to share with you three reasons why your marriage is breaking down and what you can do about it! 3 Reasons Why Your Marriage Isn’t Working Reason #1: You see your spouse […]

3 Reasons Why Your Marriage Isn’t Working.

Marriage Growth

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One of the biggest connection blockers in marriage is defensiveness. Defensiveness causes disconnection in relationships and can deteriorate a couple’s bond. There are four defensive reactions that block connection with our spouse and today, my latest YouTube episode shares four of the most defensive reactions people use in relationships, and how you can stop them. Watch […]

The 4 Defensive Reactions that Block Connection With Your Spouse


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32 years of marriage is no small feat and there were times that I did not think that we would make it. The first two decades of our marriage held more struggle and heartache than I ever thought possible, and the remaining years have given us a marriage beyond what we thought we were capable […]

32 Lessons for 32 Years of Marriage


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Being married does not come without its challenges and many couples stumble their way through a less than mediocre marriage for decades.  As we celebrate 32 years of marriage this week 🤯, I am sharing the 5 marriage game-changers that I wish I had known sooner. Knowing these earlier in your marriage can save you […]

The 5 Marriage Game-Changers That I Wish I Had Known Sooner

Marriage Growth

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Do you want to understand your husband? There is a book titled, “Men Are from Mars and Women and from Venus,” and this often feels very true when it comes to understanding and communicating with your spouse. It’s no wonder that many women have trouble understanding their husbands (and vice versa) when we are created […]

How to Understand Your Husband

Communication Growth

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Do you want a sexually satisfying marriage? Is sexual satisfaction actually attainable in marriage?  Every couple goes through different seasons when it comes to their sex life, and there are many factors that can affect the intimacy and satisfaction that a couple has. Have you wondered if you are settling for a subpar sex life […]

How to Have a Sexually Satisfying Marriage


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Marriage boredom is a real thing and many relationships suffer from this! Do you want to bring the excitement back to your marriage? Does everything (dates, conversations, life) seem predictable, easy, safe, and well, just plain boring? We were bored in our marriage. SO bored. Everything felt the same – The dates. The conversations. Our […]

Say Goodbye to Boredom: How to bring excitement back to your marriage

Marriage Growth

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Having a meeting or conversation with your spouse to figure things out and get on the same page (with topics like finances, education plans for the kids, how to tackle homework projects, how to manage the household, etc.) can sometimes feel daunting and not lead to the best outcomes. Do you long to have productive […]

How to Have Productive Conversations with Your Spouse (learned from Ted Lasso Season Finale!)


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